Project goals
The project will provide solutions to:
- farmers by implementing profitable cultivation with a positive impact & integrating data-driven hemp cultivation
- the flax sector with an additional fiber to strengthen this sector. Hemp is a resilient erop that can withstand climate changes;
- the textile industry, the brands, who wish to use local and sustainable materials;
- end users, who look for local and sustainable textiles and have little knowledge about natura! fibers.
Project info and dates:
Project type:
lnterreg North-West Europe (NEW lnterreg Project)
Start date
End date
Partners, origin and names:
Total 11 partners:
- Belgium (Valbiom, Inagro, Hogent, Hyler, Libeco),
- France (LCBIO, Safilin, Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp)
- Netherland (Delphy, van de Bilt zaden en vlas)
- Germany (Natuvalis)
Co-financed by the European Union
Website H4C:
Website Interreg NWE: